Environmental Evidence Bases


Publication date

Industry sector

  • Distribution Network
  • Offshore Transmission Network
  • Transmission Network

We commissioned Ricardo-AEA to undertake a systematic review to characterise the impacts of the GB regulated energy system (primarily transmission and distribution) on the natural environment. A suite of evidence bases has been produced based on the findings, focusing on the following specific issues:

  • Air quality
  • Biodiversity
  • Geodiversity
  • Landscape
  • Land Use
  • Soils
  • Water

The evidence bases provide an initial ranking of the impacts on the environment from the GB regulated energy system and also give more detailed consideration to those individual elements likely to have the greatest impact on the environment and/or to arise most frequently.

There is also a worked case study, considering the pressure with the most significant impacts.

The main findings are presented in slides and include a rating of pressures on environmental assets by intensity, using a red/amber/green colour-coding system.

If you have any queries or feedback on the evidence bases, please contact sustainable.energy@ofgem.gov.uk.