Feed-in Tariffs (FIT): Annual Report 2022-23

Reports, plans and updates
Publication date
Scheme name

The Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) is a government scheme designed to promote the uptake of small-scale renewable and low-carbon electricity generation technologies. Encouraging the use of renewable generation technologies helps the UK reduce its carbon emissions and contributes towards reaching Net Zero.

Under the scheme, accredited installations that meet their ongoing obligations receive payments for both the amount of renewable electricity they generate and the renewable electricity they export into the national grid.

This report summarises activity during the thirteenth year of the scheme (Scheme Year 13), covering the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.

  • Accreditations: The total number of active accreditations on the scheme in Scheme Year 13 (SY13) reached 870,063, with 245 new installations registered during the year. The majority of these are solar photovoltaic (PV) installations which form 98.9% (860,688) of all accreditations and 79.4% (5.15 GW) of installed capacity. In total, over 6.48 GW of low carbon generating capacity has been deployed under the scheme since its start.
  • Scheme costs and renewable generation: During SY13, 8.9 TWh of renewable electricity was produced under the scheme, for which FIT Generators were paid just over £1.63 billion. Additionally, electricity exports reached just below 1.3 TWh, with associated export payments of around £80 million. The total value of the scheme reached £1.73 billion.
  • Compliance: The number of suppliers (FIT licensees) participating in the scheme continued to fall during SY13. We continued to see instances of non-compliance related to periodic and annual levelisation. In total, 152 instances were recorded related to late submission or misreporting of data, as well as late and incorrect payments being made. However, no levelisation payments were left unpaid, therefore mutualisation was not triggered in SY13.

Please note: For those wishing to look at the data used in the report in more detail, a spreadsheet with this information is published below.