ECO1: Guidance note on address formatting

Publication date
Scheme name

This publication is for ECO1 reference only and applies to measures installed on or before 31 March 2015. For measures installed under ECO2 (1 April 2015 - 31 March 2017) please refer to the ECO2 Guidance.

Over recent months the Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) team has received a number of queries regarding how to format addresses in the notification template. In response to this we have produced a new, expanded guidance document. This document provides updated guidance for formatting address data for the purpose of notifying measures for the ECO scheme. It replaces any previous guidance published on address formatting. The instructions set out in this document should be followed to minimise any potential errors encountered during the address validation process.

There are a number of rules that apply when formatting address level data in the ECO notification template. This document provides guidance based on these rules. It also explains how to interpret addresses based on different address structures and how addresses should be formatted for the notification of completed actions to Ofgem for ECO.

The document provides:
1. Background information on PAF Address Structures
2. ECO Address Data Requirements
3. ECO Address Formatting Instructions
4. Address Examples

This document should be used in conjunction with the Energy Companies Obligation (ECO): Guidance for Suppliers and Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) Notification Data Dictionary.

Additional Notes:

  • These rules apply to the majority of address structures but are not guaranteed to resolve all queries.
  • Rules may need to be applied in combinations depending on the exact address format required.
  • These requirements may require updating in line with any future changes to the ECO scheme.
  • Suppliers should refer to the Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF) when using this guidance document.

For assistance and address related queries please contact the ECO Operational Team: