Decision on the proposal to review competition in the electricity connections market for RIIO-ED2


Publication date

Industry sector

Distribution Network

The next round of price controls (RIIO-ED2) for the electricity Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) will begin in April 2023, and will run until March 2028. As part of this process, we will set outputs and incentives on the service that DNOs provide.

In June 2021, we consulted on our proposed approach to review the level of competition in the electricity distribution connections market, to inform our design of RIIO-ED2 connection outputs and incentives. The consultation period closed on 13 August 2021. Having taken account of all consultation responses, we are now setting out our decision to proceed with the review of the level of competition in the electricity distribution connections market.

The Electricity Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) are now invited to complete the updated data template.

The closing date for DNOs to provide sufficiently completed data template submissions is 12 November 2021. Responses should be sent to