Net Zero and Re-opener UIOLI Allowance Governance Document

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  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

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Industry sector

  • Transmission Network
  • Distribution Network


We are consulting on a proposed number of drafts Associated Documents for the implementation of RIIO-2. These are documents created under the relevant licence conditions.

We would like your views on our drafts of the Net Zero and Re-opener UIOLI Allowance Governance documents. The proposed drafts set out the regulation, governance and administration of the RIIO-2 Net Zero and Re-opener Use-It-Or-Lose-It Allowance and will take effect from 1 April 2021.

These documents are working drafts and the content is in line with our Final Determinations. We will ensure that all comments received will be appropriately reflected within the final version.

We welcome responses on any aspect of our proposed drafts of the Net Zero and Re-opener UIOLI Allowance Governance documents and whether anything else should be included in the documents.

Respond name

Mohamed Khalif

Respond telephone