Extending competition in electricity transmission: criteria, pre-tender and conflict mitigation arrangements


This document represents the next step to introduce competitive tendering to onshore electricity transmission. We have published our decisions below.

The focus of these documents is on the criteria and process for identifying when a competitive tender can be run, the pre-tender arrangements under a late CATO build tender model, and our proposals for conflict mitigation measures. These documents focus mainly on developing the more immediate arrangements needed to set up the new competitive regime for any projects tendered during RIIO-T1.

Alongside this, we have published a summary of responses to our October consultation, an independent report from consultants, which considers what would be required for a tender specification under a late CATO build tender model, and our updated impact assessment.

These documents are aimed at parties interested in the competitive regime, including potential bidders, incumbent network operators, interested consumer groups, as well as other relevant stakeholders.

Respond name

Joe Baddeley

Respond telephone