Decision on the consultation on further amendments to the Capacity Market Rules


Publication date

Industry sector

Generation and Wholesale Market

This letter sets out our decisions on three proposed changes to the Capacity Market Rules (the “Rules”) pursuant to Regulation 77 of the Electricity Capacity Regulations 2014 (the “Regulations”).

We have decided to take forward two of the proposed changes to the Rules (affecting Rule 1.2 and Rule 13.4.1B). As these are not urgent, we will make these changes during our normal capacity market rule changes process ahead of prequalification in 2017, subject to the Parliamentary timetable.

For the purpose of the first Transitional Arrangements Delivery Year, we have also identified a change to the Load-following Capacity Obligation (LFCO) formula that we consider would meet the specified objectives set out in Regulation 78 (affecting Rule 8.5.3). However, the Settlement Body has advised that this change cannot be implemented before settlement systems are updated by the Settlement Body and therefore we do not propose to make a change at this time.