Renewables Obligation (RO): Guidance on the closure of the scheme to large-scale solar PV


Publication date

Scheme name


The guidance document is for operators of solar photovoltaic (PV) generating stations in England, Wales and Scotland affected by the closure of the Renewables Obligation (RO) scheme to large-scale solar PV on 1 April 2015. This closure is brought into effect by the RO Closure (Amendment) Order 2015.

The closure applies to new generating stations with a total installed capacity (TIC) greater than 5MW and any additional capacity added to existing stations that have, or would have, a TIC greater than 5MW. Operators of large-scale generating stations that meet certain criteria may be eligible for one of the three grace periods that are available, meaning that they can apply for accreditation for 12 months after the closure date, ie from 1 April 2015 until 31 March 2016.

The response document explains to stakeholders the changes that have been made to the final version of the guidance since the draft was published for consultation.

This document was updated on 13 March 2017 to reflect additional guidance published in Guidance for Generators on excluded capacity.