Offshore Transmission: Tender Round 3 Licence Workshop

Agendas, minutes and presentations
Publication date
Industry sector
Offshore Transmission Network

Monday 14 October 2013

The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the proposed drafting of the OFTO licence for Tender Round 3 of the offshore transmission regime as set out in our recent consultation, 'Consultation on the generic OFTO licence for Tender Round 3'.

The workshop will take the form of short presentations on aspects of the licence followed by small group discussions to seek your views on the licence drafting. The presentations will cover the following areas:

  1. The gain share for refinancing of external debt
  2. The indexation of revenue (following the introduction of biddable indexation)
  3. The algebra to implement the capacity weighting mechanism (part of the availability incentive)
  4. The financial security requirements for OFTOs
  5. The introduction of a sulphur hexafluoride emissions reporting requirement