Incentive on Connections Engagement consultation on the Distribution Network Operators’ 2021 submissions

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

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Closed date

Industry sector

Distribution Network


We are seeking your views on how well the distribution network operators (DNOs) engage with their connections stakeholders to ensure they are delivering a service that meets these customers’ needs.

Helping new customers connect to the electricity network is one of the most critical services provided by DNOs. It enables new homes to be built and new businesses to start trading, as well as allowing new low carbon technologies and flexibility services to come on to the system. This will be crucial in helping the UK to decarbonise its economy, and move to a smarter, more flexible energy system.

We expect DNOs to provide good service to all customers that are seeking a connection. The purpose of the Incentive on Connections Engagement (ICE) is to encourage this. Under the ICE, DNOs must provide evidence that they have engaged with their connection stakeholders and responded to their needs. If they fail to do this, they could incur a penalty.

DNOs submit evidence of their stakeholder engagement in two parts: a Looking Back report on their activities during the previous year demonstrating how they have met the needs of large connection customers; and a Looking Forward plan for the coming year describing the activities the DNO plans to undertake.

We are seeking your views separately on both the ‘Looking Back’ and the ‘Looking Forward’ sections of the submissions from each DNO. Your responses to this open letter will inform our assessment of each DNO’s submissions.

The closing date for responses is 30 July 2021. Responses should be sent to

Respond name

Marco D'Alterio

Respond email

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