Future Elexon ownership consultation


Publication date


Industry sector

  • Distribution Network
  • Transmission Network

BEIS and Ofgem have jointly published a consultation on the change in ownership of Elexon. This follows the publication of the Future System Operator (FSO) consultation response on 6th April 2022. 

The creation of the FSO as a public corporation and the associated transfer into the public sector requires us also to consider the future ownership of Elexon Limited, a subsidiary of NGESO.

While Elexon’s shares are owned entirely by NGESO, it is operationally and financially independent from its parent company and is controlled by its own board and by the BSC panel. The organisations have very different roles and considerations around their future ownership may be different.

Therefore, the changes proposed for NGESO necessitate consideration of Elexon’s ownership independently from considerations about FSO ownership. For this reason, we are consulting to gather evidence and views on our proposals for the future ownership of Elexon.

In light of the decisions in the FSO consultation response, we have identified two leading enduring options for the ownership of Elexon:

  1. public ownership as a subsidiary of the FSO, and
  2. industry ownership, owned by a representative group of industry stakeholders.

We have also considered several other options for the future of Elexon. Section 2 in the consultation document sets out why we only analyse public ownership and ownership by industry stakeholders in detail.

The consultation, including details on how to respond and the agenda for the consultation engagement workshop, can be found on the government’s website.

We would like to invite you to attend a workshop on the reforms proposed in this consultation, entitled “The Future Ownership of Elexon - Consultation Webinar”:

The workshop will run from 14:00 to 15:30. Please book your place by signing up through Eventbrite.

If you would like any more information, please email futuresystemoperator@beis.gov.uk noting ‘Elexon’ in the subject title.