Electricity Distribution Price Control Cost and Revenue Reporting - Regulatory Instructions and Guidance: Version 3.1

Reports, plans and updates
Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network

On 26 March 2013 we published a direction issued under Standard Condition 49 of the Electricity Distribution Licence making modifications to the existing Regulatory Instructions and Guidance (RIGs). These modifications were necessary to give effect to our decision to replace the distribution losses incentive mechanism (DLIM) under Distribution Price Control Review 5 with the Distribution Losses Reporting Requirement (DLRR). The direction was based on the notice we published on 16 November 2012 which outlined our proposed modifications to the RIGs.  The direction set the effective date for the modifications to the RIGs as 1 April 2013.

For the avoidance of doubt for finalising the 2013-14 regulatory returns, we are publishing version 3.1 of the document titled ‘Electricity Distribution Price Control Cost and Revenue Reporting – Regulatory Instructions and Guidance’ which includes the approved modifications.

We are also publishing the associated reporting table V15A, which replaced table V15. This is the document below called Network Cost and Volume Data (Main Cost and Volume Tables) – Table V15A DLRR. This table is also contained within the full reporting pack.

On 16 November 2012 we published a suite of documents under the ‘Decision not to activate the Losses Incentive Mechanism in the Fifth Distribution Price Control’.

The key documents under this link of relevance to the RIGs are:

  • Consultation letter on proposal to modify existing Regulatory Instructions and Guidance to implement the Distribution Losses Reporting Requirement: Document F1
  • Consultation on modifications to existing Regulatory Instructions and Guidance to implement the Distribution Losses Reporting Requirement : Document F2
  • Distribution Losses Reporting Requirement Template V15A : Document F3