ECO3 improving consumer protection consultation decision


Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

Scheme name


On 5 November 2019, we published a consultation seeking stakeholder views on the administrative changes required in order to deliver our functions under the Electricity and Gas (Energy Company Obligation) (Amendment) Order 2019 (the ‘ECO3.1 Order’). Alongside these administrative changes we also consulted on other areas of the scheme that we considered to require clarification. Our consultation closed on 3 December 2019 and we received 30 responses from a variety of stakeholders including suppliers, managing agents, installers and guarantee providers.

Document overview

The document below is our consultation response which sets out our final position. In the response document, we summarise stakeholder views, present the points raised and respond to that feedback. We then outline the outcome of the consultation and, where relevant, how we have changed our approach.

Version 1.4 of the ECO3 Deemed Scores can also be found below. This update to the deemed scores introduces the changes set out in our decision document. There are:

  • Lifetime of FTCH measures has been increased to 20 years, and scores adjusted accordingly
  • Added variants of broken boiler replacement scores with the new 200% “broken_CH_secondary” uplift, and updated the name of the existing 400% uplift to “broken_CH_cap_renew”
  • Added new measure types weather/load compensation and solid floor insulation
  • Adjusted scores for installing Gas and LPG boiler to remove saving related to weather/load compensation
  • Renamed solid wall insulation measure category “External/internal wall insulation” and updated the measure type label descriptors (but not the measure type label as appears in the deemed scores matrix)
  • Removed score variants which combined the pre main heat source “Gas room heaters” with the non mains gas insulation uplift

These deemed scores will apply to all measures installed on or after 1 January 2020.

Next steps

The proposed changes will take effect once the ECO3.1 Order commences on 1 January 2020.

We published the ECO3 Guidance: Delivery and ECO3 Guidance: Supplier Administration on a draft for comment basis alongside our consultation. We are currently in the process of updating these documents to the final versions. It is our intention that stakeholders may apply the draft for comment versions from 1 January 2020 until the final versions are published.

Subsidiary documents