ECO3 File naming convention

Publication date
Scheme name

This ECO Reporting Working Group has produced the following document to simplify the reporting process for members of the supply chain.

The document outlines the correct format in which supporting evidence should be sent to energy companies as requested by them. This should make it quicker and easier for the supply chain to send information to the relevant energy company.

All energy companies can accept documentation saved in this format. Installers should contact the relevant energy company if they would prefer to use an alternative format.

This document is not based on Ofgem requirements nor have Ofgem approved the document. We are unable to give assurance that the information recorded in the document is correct.

This document is owned by the ECO Reporting Working Group and is not an Ofgem document.

Amendments - 15 February 2019 (Version 3.1)

This document was republished to account for the addition of numerous files created and/or re-worked by obligated energy suppliers.

Amendments - 1 April 2021 (Version 3.2)

This document was republished to account for the addition of files created and/or re-worked by obligated energy suppliers.