Direction to make modifications to the Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data (ABSVD) Methodology Statement


Publication date


Industry sector

  • Distribution Network
  • Transmission Network
  • Generation and Wholesale Market

On 5 May 2020 we received a letter from National Grid Electricity System Operator Limited requesting that a revision to the Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data (ABSVD) Methodology Statement be made to allow any provider to have its energy imbalances adjusted for its participation in the ESO’s Optional Downward Flexibility Management (ODFM) service.

We have considered this request and have decided to allow the ESO to revise the Statement, with such revisions having effect from 23.00 on 7 May 2020.  In order to achieve this we have issued a Direction under sub-paragraph 8(a)(iv) of standard licence condition C16 (Procurement and use of balancing services) (“SLC C16”):

  • allowing the ESO to dispense with certain procedural requirements that would normally have been taken when revising the Statement under sub-paragraphs (8)(a) and (b) of SLC C16; and
  • directing that the revisions have effect from 23:00 on 7 May 2020.