Decision on statutory consultation on proposals to modify licence conditions as a result of Retail Code Consolidation

Licence modification
Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market
Distribution Network
Transmission Network
Licence type
Smart Meter Communication Licence
Electricity Distribution Licence
Electricity Supply Licence
Gas Supplier Licence
Gas Transporter Licence

We launched the Retail Code Consolidation Significant Code Review (SCR) in November 2019. The purpose of this is to rationalise retail energy codes and facilitate faster, more reliable switching, through the closure or consolidation of a number of industry codes and the transfer of retained provisions over to the Retail Energy Code (REC) or to another industry code, where more relevant.

Our licence modification proposals were consulted on in June 2019 and then further reviewed with stakeholders. Updated proposals were consulted on in November 2020.

On 30 April 2021 we published a statutory consultation which set out our updated thinking and consulted on changes to SLCs and other conditions to the following licences, and asked for any representations to these modifications to be made on or before 1 June 2021:

  • Smart Meter Communications Licence
  • Standard conditions of Electricity Supply Licence
  • Standard conditions of Gas Supply Licence
  • Standard conditions of Gas Transporter Licence
  • Standard Special Conditions parts A, B and D of the Gas Transporters Licence
  • Standard conditions of Electricity Distribution Licence

Having carefully considered the responses to our statutory consultation, the Authority has decided to proceed with the majority of licence modifications as proposed, albeit with a small number of clarifications or corrections to definitions or to typographical errors. This Decision details all of these changes and explains the reasoning behind any additional amendments from those previously consulted upon.

These modifications will come into effect following the designation of a date for Retail Code Consolidation in accordance with the REC. The Authority will issue this designation in due course. Retail Code Consolidation is planned to take effect on, and will not be before, 1 September 2021.