Decision to grant EVenergi UK Limited a derogation from various aspects of SLC 11 - Compliance with industry codes


Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

This letter sets out the Authority’s decision to grant EVenergi UK Limited a derogation from various aspects of Standard Licence Condition (SLC) 11 (compliance with industry codes) of its electricity supply licence.

The Licensee intends to enter the electricity supply market but does not want to be a direct party to the industry codes listed in SLC 11.1 and 11.2. The derogation will enable the Licensee to discharge compliance with the relevant industry codes to a Third Party Licenced Supplier.

We introduced the Licence Lite policy to ease potential barriers to entry faced by aspiring suppliers. It is an option that helps new suppliers enter the electricity supply market by letting them partner with an existing licenced supplier who would assume responsibility for some of the more costly and technically challenging parts of a supply licence.