Decision to grant the ESO a derogation from the requirements of Article 6(9) of the Electricity Regulation and an exemption from the requirements of Article 32(3) of the EBGL for Mandatory and Firm Frequency Response


Publication date

Industry sector

Generation and Wholesale Market

The ESO have requested an exemption to allow the specific products Mandatory Frequency Response and Firm Frequency Response to continue to be procured with their upward and downward capacity bundled (ie, procured together). This is based on the requirements of Article 6(9) of the Electricity Regulation and Article 32(3) of the EBGL, which state that the procurement of upward and downward balancing capacity must be carried out separately. Additionally, the ESO’s request for a derogation under Article 6(9) of the Electricity Regulation asks to allow the MFR and FFR products to be procured at timescales earlier than day-ahead and have a contract period longer than one day (but not more than one month).

This letter explains our decision to grant the derogation and exemption request, and the necessary next steps to be taken.