DCC Switching Incentive Regime: Consultation on Direction and associated guidance

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Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

Licence type

Smart Meter Communication Licence


This is a consultation on a Direction and accompanying guidance for The Data Communications Company (DCC) Switching Incentive Regime (SIR).

The Direction is intended to set the value of the formula terms “CRSPAt” and “CRSMt” as set out in the Smart Meter Communication Licence and as relevant to the SIR, from 01 April 2023 onwards.

The guidance is designed to act as a comprehensive reference setting out how the SIR is intended to operate in practice, in accordance with the Licence and Direction.

We are also publishing a Notice of revocation of the 03 May 2019 Direction related to the Design, Build and Test (DBT) Phase of the Switching Programme, to take effect on 31 March 2023.