Consumer First Panel - Affordability and Supplier Support

Reports, plans and updates

Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

This qualitative research with our Consumer First Panel was carried out in November 2021. We wanted to explore Panellists' understanding and perceptions of the range of support offered by suppliers to customers that are struggling financially.

This wave of the Consumer First Panel aimed to understand the extent to which energy customers know that:

  • Their supplier will help them if they need support.
  • They should be able to contact their supplier with ease and should be treated fairly.
  • Their supplier knows times are difficult and they won’t be pressured into paying what they can’t afford.

Other objectives include understanding:

  • Any barriers that consumers perceive in terms of interacting with their supplier.
  • The experiences of customers who have experienced affordability issues and those who have reached out to their energy supplier for support.