Call for evidence: Visibility of distributed generation connected to the GB distribution networks

Call for input
  • Open
  • Closed

Publication date

Industry sector

  • Distribution Network
  • Generation and Wholesale Market

On Friday 9 August 2019, a power outage caused interruptions to over 1 million consumers’ electricity supply. As part of our review of the event, we presented a series of findings and recommendations to improve the resilience of the GB electricity system.

This call for evidence focusses on the visibility of Distribution Generation connected to the GB distribution network, and associated data, for the purposes of system resilience and DSO. We are not considering the wider question of general network visibility, nor do we seek to give or receive a commentary on existing practice. We invite your views on improvements to standards and practices, including industry codes, licences and governance, which could be adopted to improve the visibility of DG connected to the GB distribution network; your views will inform evidence-based policymaking.

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