Update on the membership of the Design Advisory Board

Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

On 3rd November 2017 we published our decision on the membership of the Design Advisory Board. Since that date, the following changes in the membership of the Design Advisory Board have occurred: 

Graham Oakes has stepped down from his role at Upside Energy, as of December 2018, and has become an independent consultant. His expertise and experience still makes him a valid member of the DAB and he will therefore continue to attend future DAB meetings in his independent capacity. 

Following these changes, the membership of the DAB now consists of:

  • Chris Allanson (Energy Networks Association, Northern Powergrid)
  • Sara Bell (Tempus Energy)
  • Will Broad (BEIS)
  • David Crossman (Cornwall Energy)
  • Mitch Donnelly (British Gas)
  • Stew Horne (Citizens Advice)
  • Chris King (Siemens)
  • Professor Catherine Mitchell (Exeter University)
  • Graham Oakes (Graham Oakes Ltd)
  • Judith Ward (Sustainability First)