Summary of recent modifications to the RIIO-ED1 PCFM


Publication date

Industry sector

Distribution Network

Under licensee condition 4A of the Electricity Distribution Licence, the Authority publishes a complete list of any modifications to the ED1 Price Control Financial Model (PCFM). This summary applies between the original publication date and the publication of the PCFM for use in the Annual Iteration Process (AIP).

At present there are two PCFMs, one for the four fast-tracked Western Power Distribution licensees and one for the remaining ten slow-tracked licensees.

Fast-track PCFM

No modifications.

Slow-track PCFM

A substitute PCFM has been published that incorporates the Final Determinations of the Competition and Market Authority (CMA) in the two appeals brought by British Gas (BG) and Northern Powergrid (NPg).

No further modifications.