Summary of recent modifications to the ED1 Price Control Financial Model 2016


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Under Special Condition 4A, the Authority publishes a complete and up-to-date list of any modifications which have been made to the ED1 Price Control Financial Model (PCFM). This page lists all modifications between the publication of the 2015 Annual Iteration Process (AIP) on the 30 November 2015 and the publication of the PCFM for use in AIP 2016.

On 22 April 2016, we published a PCFM which consolidated the separate fast-track and slow-track versions of the model. For the four slow-track licensees, it also corrected minor discrepancies in the spreading of legacy revenue, incremental profiling used for revenue profiling and included tax trigger dead bands.

On 23 August 2016, we published the PCFM for use in the 2016 AIP. This model included separate inputs for tax trigger type B events for each licensee, added totex subcategory allocations for the latter years of the SMAE variable and fixed minor labelling discrepancies.

No further modifications have been made.

Full details of the modifications are available in the linked directions.