Statutory Consultation for Standard Licence Condition 24 of the Electricity Distribution Licence

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Industry sector

Distribution Network

Licence type

Electricity Distribution Licence


We will shortly be recommending to The Authority that it approves the Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP) DCRP/18/03 – Revision of Engineering Recommendation (EREC) P2 – Security of Supply.  The modification proposes changes to Energy Networks Association (ENA) Engineering Recommendation (ER) P2/6 and consequential changes to the Distribution Code. The changes would be captured in a new ER to be referenced as EREC P2/7 with associated changes to the Distribution Code where it references ER P2/6. 

Distribution licensees are obliged by their licences to meet the planning standards prescribed by Standard Licence Condition 24 (Distribution System planning standard and quality of performance reporting) (SLC 24). SLC 24 states, among other things, that a licensee must plan and develop its distribution system in accordance with a standard no less than that set out in ER P2/6.   If approved, the proposed modification to the Distribution Code would result in the electricity distribution licence reference to P2/6 not aligning with the correct version of the ER. SLC 24 therefore needs to be modified accordingly.   

We propose to modify SLC 24 to remove the reference to P2/6 replacing it with P2/7 and to insert a power for the Authority to direct the future P2 issue number in accordance with which the licensee must plan and develop its distribution system. A direction would be issued at the same time as the code modification decision letter approving any further issues of P2.

Subject to responses to our statutory consultation, we propose to implement the changes to the Distribution Code and Electricity Distribution Licence at the same time to ensure consistency between the code and licence. This would be 56 days after our decision on the Electricity Distribution Licence modification associated with SLC 24 is published.

Respond name

Bryan O’Neill

Respond telephone