Statutory consultation on proposed changes to the Special Conditions (also known as the Charge Restriction Conditions ‘CRC’) of the electricity distribution licence

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

Publication date

Closed date

Industry sector

Distribution Network

Licence type

Electricity Distribution Licence

Update -  The deadline for responses has been extended to 10th February 2021

In September 2020, we consulted on our proposal for the CAM re-opener to be introduced to the current electricity distribution RIIO-1 price control at the same time as it is due to be introduced to the ET, GT, and GD RIIO-2 price controls in April 2021. After reviewing responses, we propose to introduce the CAM re-opener to RIIO-ED1 as set out in the main document.

This voluntary re-opener will allow a licensee to submit an application to reallocate responsibility and associated revenue for an activity to or from another licensee’s price control where there are greater demonstrable benefits to consumers. It may be used on a cross-sector and within sector basis, and so should be available to DNOs at the same time as it is available to the electricity transmission, gas transmission, and gas distribution networks. Allowing DNOs to utilise the re-opener from 2021 will also support DNOs to fulfil their obligations under the proposed new whole electricity system licence condition for RIIO-ED1 electricity licensees concerning cooperation and collaboration by enabling them to move activities between networks where such collaboration uncovers greater overall consumer value in doing so.

We welcome views on the proposed modifications in the covering letter, Notice, and proposed licence condition, and will take these into consideration before making our final decision.

Any representations with respect to the proposed licence condition must be made on or before 21 January 2021 to

Stakeholders wishing to respond to this statutory consultation should contact

The status of this consultation has been changed to “Closed (with decision)” as the consultation period has passed. For more information, please see our consultation policy.

Respond name

Joanna Gaches

Respond telephone

Respond email