Statutory consultation on proposed changes to the Special Conditions (also known as the Charge Restriction Conditions ‘CRC’) of the electricity distribution licence

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

Publication date

Closing date

Industry sector

Distribution Network

Licence type

Electricity Distribution Licence


Statutory consultation on proposed changes to the Special Conditions (also known as the Charge Restriction Conditions ‘CRC’) of the electricity distribution licence. This statutory consultation follows on from our open letter of August 2020.

In August 2020, we consulted on our proposals for enabling electricity distribution network operators to recover any potential bad debts arising as a direct result of the Network Charge Deferral (NCD) scheme. We received 17 responses. After reviewing these responses, we propose the updated proposals as set out in our notice.

Any representations with respect to the proposed licence modification must be made on or before 9 November 2020 to