RIIO-GT1 Price Control Financial Model following the modifications to implement PARCA arrangements and the funding decision on the Fleetwood entry point


Publication date

Industry sector

Transmission Network

On 10 July 2018, we published a Statutory Consultation on the modifications needed to the RIIO-GT1 Price Control Financial Model (PCFM) to implement two decisions:

  1. The introduction of Planning and Advanced Reservation of Capacity Agreements (PARCAs).
  2. The reduction of £277.5 million from NGGT revenue allowances for investments at the Fleetwood entry point, which did not take place and are not expected to be needed over the remainder of the current control period.

We have now consulted and decided to proceed with the proposed modifications.

This version of the PCFM implements the proposed modifications to account for the decisions on PARCA and Fleetwood.

Please note that this latest version of the PCFM is not the final model for use in the 2018 AIP, which will be published in October 2018.