RIIO-GD1 Price Control Financial Model - summary of recent modifications


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The summary of  modifications to the GD1 Price Control Financial model (PCFM) following the Annual Iteration Process(AIP) in November 2013 are listed below:

Summary of modifications

On 15 September 2014, the Authority modified the GD1 PCFM by:

Amending the annual spread of the Legacy Allowed Revenue (LAR) calculation, which was previously hard coded, to:

  • spread the initial legacy revenue when the cost of debt is updated; and
  • correct the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) used to spread legacy revenue.

On 14 October 2014, the Authority modified the GD1 PCFM by:

  • moving the allowance allocated to Repex tier 2 mains (RE) from the row for non- variant allowed repex in the PCFM to the relevant row for the RE allowance.

On 8 September  2015, the Authority modified the GD1 PCFM by:

  • amending a formula on the Input worksheet, to ensure that appropriate time value of money factors are applied to the spreading of legacy adjustment values across the RIIO-GD1 price control period; and
  • amending the Tax Trigger worksheet to allow different Tax Trigger Type B event values to be entered for each licensee.