Publication of the changes in the relevant Gas Transporters’ single supply point charge and Retail Price Index effective from 1 January 2017

Correspondence and other

Publication date

Industry sector

Distribution Network

The Independent Gas Transporters’ (IGTs) licences set out the arrangements for determining the maximum charge that licensees may levy on premises subject to the Relative Price Control (RPC) regime. As part of these arrangements, we publish both the Retail Prices Index (RPI) and the percentage change in the weighted average of the relevant gas (wSSP) each year in time for changes to take effect from 1 January of the following year.

This letter specifies the wSSP for year and RPI for 2016:

  • These figures should be used to adjust transportation charges from 1 January 2017 in accordance to Special Condition 1 of IGTs’ licences.
  • The change in the weighted average of the relevant Gas Transporters’ single supply point charge.

The underlying calculations are described in appendix 1 of the letter.