Ofgem decisions for the IU and Channel regions on the HAR annexes, the regional design of the LTTRs and the Pan European SAP and SAP cost sharing methodologies under FCA.


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Industry sector

Generation and Wholesale Market

Between 13 and 18 April 2017, Ofgem received seven proposals from GB Transmission System Operators (TSOs) in accordance with Articles 31 and 49 - 52 of the guideline on Forward Capacity Allocation (the FCA Regulation).  Those proposals related to the Harmonised Allocation Rules (HAR); two HAR regional annexes for the Ireland-United Kingdom (IU) region and the Channel region; the Single Allocation Platform (SAP) methodology and the SAP cost sharing methodology; and two methodologies on the design of long-term transmission rights (LTTRs) for the IU and Channel regions.  The proposals were submitted to us by the relevant GB TSOs in line with our assignment of obligations.

This letter sets out our decision to approve the two HAR regional annexes, the SAP and the SAP cost sharing methodologies and the IU regional design of the LTTRs pursuant to Article 4(9) of the FCA Regulation.  It also sets out our decision to request an amendment to the Channel regional design of the LTTRs proposal pursuant to Article 4(11) of the FCA Regulation.