Ofgem Consumer First Panel, Year 9, Wave 1 - Understanding information needs

Reports, plans and updates

Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

In 2017 we commissioned research agency Revealing Reality to conduct year 9 of the Consumer First Panel, our flagship qualitative research project. This deliberative project brings a broad group of domestic energy consumers together 3-4 times over the course of a year to feed into Ofgem’s policy making.

In August 2017, our first event focused on the needs of consumers in relation to information and communications from suppliers – both in order to deal with their immediate energy needs, and also to make optimal decisions about which suppliers to use/switch to.

We spoke to 75 consumers in Watford, Paisley, Merthyr Tydfil and Leeds, and Panellists also completed introductory videos prior to the workshop.

This work was to inform our policy thinking on changing the supply licence rules relating to customer communications, so they can remain fit-for-purpose in a rapidly changing market.