Notice of modification of the Charge Restriction Conditions of the electricity distribution licences (CAM re-opener)

Licence modification

Publication date

Industry sector

Distribution Network

Licence type

Electricity Distribution Licence

 In December 2020, we conducted a statutory consultation on proposed changes to the special conditions of the electricity distribution licence held by electricity distribution networks.

The proposed changes were required in order to implement our decision to include the whole system re-opener, the Coordinated Adjustment Mechanism (CAM), into the RIIO-1 price control licences for electricity distribution networks.

The change will align the current electricity distribution licence conditions with the corresponding CAM licence condition being introduced into the RIIO-2 licence conditions for electricity transmission, gas transmission, and gas distribution, so that all relevant networks will be able to coordinate on using this cross-sector re-opener from 2021.

Following consideration of responses to the consultation, we have decided to proceed with making these licence modifications.

Our decision and responses to points raised by responses to the consultation are laid out in the Decision Letter and the Issue Log. The notice of licence modification is published alongside these and includes the new licence text in Schedule 1. Alongside the notice, we have also published a track changes version of the new licence text, showing amendments made in response to consultation responses.

Our decision to make these licence changes takes effect from 8 May 2021.