Murphy Power Distribution Ltd’s proposed Safety and Security of Supplies Enquiry Service Statement

Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network

Standard licence condition (“SLC”) 8 of the Licence requires that the licensee has in force an approved statement that sets out details of the Safety and Security of Supplies Enquiry Service.

Murphy Power Distribution Limited submitted its proposed Safety and Security of Supplies Enquiry Service Statement to us as part of the licence application process. We recognise however that this submission is in advance of commencing operations as an Independent Distribution Network Operator (“IDNO”). 

Once an IDNO has begun to operate, we expect it to carry out a comprehensive review of the accuracy and effectiveness of its Enquiry Service, including considering how other network operators fulfil their obligations, and what stakeholders consider to be best practice. We expect Murphy Power Distribution Limited to update their Safety and Security of Supplies Enquiry Service Statement ahead of connecting customers and once your Enquiry Service becomes operational.