Modification of Standard Licence Condition 24 of the Electricity Distribution Licence

Licence modification

Publication date

Industry sector

Distribution Network

Licence type

Electricity Distribution Licence

On 2 April 2019, we published a statutory consultation notice of our proposal to modify SLC 24. We proposed to modify SLC 24 in order to update the reference therein to Engineering Recommendation (ER) P2/6 of the Energy Networks Association to ER P2/7. We also proposed to introduce the ability for the Authority to direct the licensee to comply with any subsequent version of P2.

Without modifying SLC24 to refer to this new version of P2, the code and licence will be misaligned when considering security of supply. For this reason, we have decided to modify SLC 24 to require the licensee to plan and develop its distribution system in accordance with a standard not less than  P2/7. This change will ensure consistency between the Distribution Code obligations and the electricity distribution licence.

This decision also introduces a power for the Authority to direct the future P2 issue number with which the licensee must comply. We anticipate we will issue any such direction at the same time as we publish any decision to approve a future issue of P2.