Modification of Standard Condition 30 of the Gas Transporters Licence

Licence modification

Publication date

Industry sector

  • Distribution Network
  • Transmission Network

This modification implements changes to Standard Condition 30 of the Gas Transporters Licence (SLC 30) which sets out requirements for independent gas transporters (IGTs) in relation to their accounts. IGTs operate relatively small gas distribution networks embedded in the larger networks of regional gas distribution network operators (GDNs). GDNs are subject to separate Regulatory Accounts requirements, but minor ancillary changes to licence conditions included in this modification apply to them.

The modification removes the requirement for IGTs routinely to submit regulatory accounts to Ofgem, whilst ensuring that new, simplified requirements are fully consistent with relevant European and UK legislation. In particular, the modification ensures that IGT accounts will always be accessible to the public and that, where necessary, procedures are carried out to ensure that business unbundling requirements are respected.