Modification of National Grid Gas Transmission’s gas transporter licence to add new National Transmission System exit points and decision on the classification of exit points

Licence modification

Publication date

Industry sector

Transmission Network

We have decided to modify Special Condition 5G of National Grid Gas Transmission’s (NGGT’s) gas transporter licence (the licence) as proposed in our section 23 notice, published on 11 November 2014.The changes, outlined below, will take effect from 12 February 2015.

Responses to our statutory consultation

We received one non-confidential response to our statutory consultation from NGGT and this is published on our website with the section 23 notice. NGGT supported all of our proposed licence changes.

The proposed modification

Our statutory consultation describes why the modification to Table 8 of Special Condition 5G of the licence is necessary. It will:

  • add three new exit points (Apache, Seal Sands TGGP and Trafford Power Station)
  • correct the spelling of “Theddlesthorpe” to “Theddlethorpe”
  • change the name of “Kintore” to “Glasgoforest”.

We have published the modified Table 8 in Schedule 1 of the modification notice. We are also currently making changes to the licence to implement the Planning and Advanced Reservation of Capacity Agreements (PARCAs). These changes will also affect Special Condition 5G and the location of Table 8 within it. At present, Table 8 is included in Part G, which will become Part F if the modifications are made to implement PARCAs. The table will remain numbered as Table 8.

Relevant points

We also consulted on the classification of the three new exit points above, and one additional existing point, as relevant points or not. The EU Gas Regulation requires us to decide whether any new exit points should be classified as relevant points. The letter which accompanied the statutory consultation notice describes what a relevant point is and the background to our proposals.

We have decided that the exit points will be classified as follows:

  • Kintore – Industrial Offtake
  • Apache (Sage Black Start) – Industrial Offtake
  • Trafford Power Station – Power Station
  • Seal Sands TGPP – Relevant point.