Modification of National Grid Gas Plc (NTS) Gas Transporter Licence to add a new National Transmission System (NTS) exit point

Licence modification

Publication date

Industry sector

Transmission Network

We have decided to modify Part F of Special Condition 5G (Determination of Incremental Obligated Exit Capacity volumes and the appropriate revenue drivers to apply and the creation of Zero Licence Baseline Capacity Exit Points) of National Grid Gas Plc's (NTS) Gas Transporter Licence.

The Proposed Modification

Our statutory consultation published on 12 June 2020 proposed to add one new NTS exit point, "Saltholme Power Station", to Table 8: Licence Baseline Exit Capacity in Part F of Special Condition 5G.

Responses to our statutory consultation

We received one non-confidential response to our statutory consultation from National Grid Gas Plc (NGG), which has been published on our website alongside the statutory consultation notice.