Modification decision under Part B of Special Condition 2A (Governance of GD1 Price Control Financial Instruments) of each Gas Transporter Licence


As part of the RIIO-GD1 Price Control we are publishing a modification decision under Special Condition 2A of the Gas Transporter Licence, to modify the GD1 Price Control Financial Instruments for each of the Gas Transporter Licence Holders: National Grid Gas plc (with respect to its gas distribution networks); Northern Gas Networks Limited; Scotland Gas Networks plc; Southern Gas Networks plc; and Wales and West Utilities Limited.

The modifications to the GD1 Price Control Financial Instruments are detailed in appendices 1-2 of the modification decision below:

  • Appendix 1 - an Oak report setting out the modifications to the PCFM.
  • Appendix 2  - a copy of the PCFM incorporating the modifications.