Letter: Consent to exclude components applicable to a Quoted Company from Smart DCC’s Regulatory Accounts


Publication date


Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

Licence type

Smart Meter Communication Licence

Smart DCC requested the Authority’s consent to exclude from their Regulatory Accounts for Regulatory Year 2013/14 the following requirements that are applicable to a quoted company:

  • in the strategic report the gender breakdown of employees;
  • in the Directors’ report the greenhouse gas emissions disclosure;
  • in the Directors report the capital structure;
  • in the Corporate Governance Statement the effectiveness of the board evaluation, re-election, and remuneration (level and make-up); and
  • the Directors Remuneration Report.

This document is the consent and notice of reasons given by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority pursuant to Licence Condition 30 (Requirements for the Regulatory Accounts) of the Smart Meter Communication Licence granted to Smart DCC Ltd.