European Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks Implementation in Great Britain

Correspondence and other

Publication date

Industry sector

Generation and Wholesale Market

This letter, a response to a letter sent by National Grid to Ofgem on 15 January 2014, summarises Ofgem's position on several issues relating to implementation of the European Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks in Great Britain (GB). It addresses the following points:

  1. Potential benefits of using an additional 12 months (up to October 2016) to implement the Code
  2. Whether Operating Margins gas is a balancing service
  3. Status of locational trades for national balancing purposes in the GB System Marginal Prices and System Average Price ­
  4. Whether National Grid has any Within Day Obligations
  5. Consideration that GB information provision model (base case) and the second Non Daily Metered forecast would not require further NRA approval
  6. The need for NRA approval of the GB value of the small adjustment if it exceeds 10% of System Average Price