ESO Performance Panel’s end of year evaluation of the ESO’s Performance during the 2018-19 regulatory year

Reports, plans and updates

We introduced a new regulatory and incentives framework for the Electricity System Operator (ESO) in April 2018. The ESO Performance Panel plays a central role in this new framework. It will challenge the ESO’s plans before the start of the year, evaluate its performance after 6 months (the ‘Mid-Year Review’) and then perform a final evaluation at the end of the year. This forms a recommendation to the Authority on incentives.

For the regulatory period 2018-2019 the panel was first convened at the mid-year review stage, therefore did not have the opportunity to scrutinise the ESO’s forward plan. In November 2018 we held the first mid-year review session on the ESO’s performance. Following this, as the secretariat for the panel, we published a mid-year review report  that gave an assessment of how the ESO was performing and gave recommendations on how to improve. The 2018-19 regulatory year ended in March 2019. In June, we held the first end of year review session on the ESO’s performance over 2018-19. We held an end of year review open session with stakeholders, followed by a more detailed end of year performance evaluation by the panel.

We are publishing this report as the secretariat for the panel, detailing the panel’s end of year assessment of the ESO’s performance for the 2018-19 regulatory period.  This report reflects the views of the panel, not Ofgem.