Energy UK – Capacity Market Rules CP125

Change Proposal

Publication date

This proposal from Energy UK seeks to clarify how a Transmission CMU should use Connection Entry Capacity (CEC) to set its Capacity Market Connection Capacity. In particular it would:
1. Require applicants to declare whether a CMU’s CEC is set net of Auxiliary Load or as a gross figure, and if the latter, require it to submit an outline of the methodology used to calculate Auxiliary Load and then subtract this from the CEC stated in the connection agreement.
2. Explicitly state that the Delivery Body must not prequalify a CMU if the above information is not provided;
3. Amend the formula in Rule 3.5.5 so that a CMU’s connection capacity is always set by multiplying a unit’s CEC by the fraction of the power station’s Transmission Entry Capacity (TEC) and CEC.

Change proposal status

Closed (rejected)

Proposal rules area

  • Determination of eligibility
  • Prequalification Information

Proposal organisation

Energy UK