ECO2t Percentage of Property Treated (POPT) review

Reports, plans and updates

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Scheme name


Percentage of Property Treated (POPT) was introduced under ECO2t in order to calculate the carbon or cost savings where a measure is only installed to part of a property.

We decided to carry out a review to understand the implementation of POPT under ECO2t. To do this we launched a research project on 31 August 2017. This project sought to separate out transitional issues, associated with the introduction of the wider introduction of deemed scores, from specific areas which we might take actions to address.

In order to achieve these aims, we have analysed Score Monitoring results, information relating to POPT received by Ofgem, responses to our public stakeholder survey. In the review document below we summarise the findings of this analysis and also explain where we are planning to make changes.

Main document