Domestic Retail Market Review – Evaluation framework and baseline results

Correspondence and other, Reports, plans and updates

Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

On 31 January 2014, we published an open letter consultation seeking stakeholder views on a high-level framework for our evaluation of the Retail Market Review reforms. We have received broad support from stakeholders on our approach. This letter confirms our framework for doing so and provides clarifications to questions that stakeholders raised during the consultation.

Alongside this letter, we are publishing the results of a major consumer survey, which establishes a robust baseline of consumer attitudes and behaviour to help us understand how consumers were engaging with the market before they had chance to take account of the reforms. This baseline will be used in the future to compare changes over time. Later in the year, we will integrate this baseline survey by publishing additional qualitative insight from our Consumer First Panel.

On 20 November 2014, we hosted a stakeholder workshop and obtained views from attendees on our proposed approach to the econometric modelling element of our evaluation framework. Below you will find a copy of the presentation that was given at the event. We will be publishing a summary of the workshop shortly.


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