Default Tariff Cap: Disclosure Room Rules and Undertakings

Correspondence and other

Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

In light of the particularly sensitive and confidential nature of the underlying data, Ofgem considers it necessary to disclose the underlying data to a limited number of approved external legal and/or economic advisers of the relevant parties. In doing so, Ofgem intends to disclose the underlying data through a disclosure room (the ‘Disclosure Room’).

The attached documents include the Disclosure Room Rules and Undertakings, which details the process for access to the Disclosure Room.

Please note that in order to participate in the Disclosure Room you will need to provide electronic signed copies of the documents to by 10am on the Working Day before the day that access is requested.

Physical copies of the documents can be bought along on the first day that you attend the Disclosure Room.

Queries on these documents should be submitted to