Decision to vary the directions issued to British Gas Trading Limited on 22 June 2016


Publication date


Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

Licence type

  • Electricity Supply Licence
  • Gas Supplier Licence

This letter sets out the Authority’s decision to vary the directions which granted British Gas Trading Limited a temporary and limited derogation from various elements of standard condition (SLC) 31A of its electricity and gas supply licences.

The derogation enabled British Gas to conduct a trial of a new version of its bill for domestic gas and electricity customers in a specific region and for a limited time, subject to the terms of the corresponding Directions. This variation will allow British Gas to increase the volume of customers in their simplified bill trial from 30,000 to 50,000 customers. This will increase the number of responses and ensure that the trial produces more reliable results.

We emphasise that we expect the Licensee to meet the conditions specified for open trials in our 7 March open letter, on improving consumer communications and the value of trials. This includes our expectation that suppliers monitor closely the impact of trials on consumers so that any negative impact on consumers is quickly identified and addressed.