Decision to send-back CMP223: ‘Arrangements for Relevant Distributed Generators under the enduring Generation User Commitment’


Publication date

Industry sector

  • Distribution Network
  • Transmission Network

CMP 223 was raised in response to concerns that Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) were not passing down the same security as required from them by National Grid under the user commitment arrangements set out in Section 15 of the CUSC. This arises because DNOs are unable to recover any shortfall between the user commitment liability triggered by a relevant distributed generator and the amount of security they hold.  This is unlike National Grid who can recover this shortfall through TNUoS.  DNOs therefore may ask for 100% security from distributed generators.

Following our consultation and request for information, we have decided that we cannot form an opinion on CMP223 based on the information submitted and we therefore direct that the FMR is revised and resubmitted. We recognise the work carried out through the industry process to date to develop the CMP223 solution. However, we consider that there are areas that can be further addressed through additional industry assessment that are necessary to inform our decision on the modification.