Decision on the proposed modification of Special Condition 8I of National Grid Gas Plc’s Gas Transporter Licence to amend all references to ‘Gas Deficit Warning’ (GDW) to ‘Gas Balancing Notification’ (GBN)

Licence modification

In October 2019 we published a statutory consultation on proposed modifications to National grid Gas Plc’s (“NGG”) gas transporter licence (“the Licence”). We invited views on proposed modification to the Licence in respect of proposing to amend all references in the licence to ‘Gas Deficit Warning’ (“GDW”) with ‘Gas Balancing Notification’ (“GBN”), to align the licence with the Uniform Network Code (“UNC”).

Following the closure of the statutory consultation, and having considered the proposed changes further, we have decided to implement the licence modifications as set out in the Schedule 1 of the decision notice published on our website alongside this letter. Our decision to make these licence changes will take effect from 01 April 2020.