Decision on NGET’s proposals for the Statement of Works (SOW) process


Publication date

Industry sector

Transmission Network

On 22 January 2014  we issued an open letter consultation on NGET’s proposed trial. This consultation closed on 21 February 2014. All non-confidential responses have been published on our website alongside this letter.

We recognise the potential benefits that NGET’s proposed revised arrangements could bring to certain distributed generation customers.  As no other significant issues were highlighted through our consultation, we have decided that, for the purpose of this trial, we will not at this time enforce compliance with sections and of the CUSC against NGET or participating DNOs.

This letter provides assurance that we will not enforce compliance with sections and of the Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC). This is during the period that National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (NGET) are undertaking a trial of a revised process for connecting distributed generation (DG) customers (the Statement of Works process). This assurance also applies to Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) participating in the trial.
We require NGET to report to us on the progress and outcomes of the trial. This includes providing details of those DNOs participating in the trial, and measuring factors including, but not limited to:

  • Time savings
  • Administration fee savings
  • Feedback from customers on the revised process.